Because you are YOU

Dette skrev jeg til en kompis i mars 2011.

Jeg har masse kompiser, og det er ikke alltid like lett å skille følelser når man er sammen over lengre perioder. Dette kostet meg nesten vennskapet med den beste kompisen jeg har hatt, heldigvis gikk det over like raskt som det begynte. Det å ikke forelske seg i idealer av hva det perfekte forholdet kan være, var ikke å unngå men vennskapet vårt kom heldigvis foran alt. Og ikke minst seirende ut av det feilgrepet den gang! 




How do people have the ability to hurt you, when you already feel down? 

I feel empty, like someone ripped my inside out. 

I love the person you are, even on the days that you are a bit to honest. 

I hate myself for having allowed our friendship to take second place, from playing games!

Hope we get back to the days before it all went in the drain. 

You are one of my best friends, and I love you for it. – Lets make the most of the silly mess we made

I  regret we crossed the thin line between friendship and something more – But I can’t be sorry it happened 

Now I can look at you with more admiration then I used to. 

You are something quite unique to the world out there, and I’m so glad you are in my circle of friends 

I do not tend to open my inner thoughts, but with you I feel I can 

Maybe that’s how deep our friendship will ever go – and that will be enough 

You have some blame to, I doubt I was alone with the feelings I had for you

Maybe that’s the big mistake we mad, mixed friendship with such nonsense! 

One day it may be crossed again. – If it comes I know we will be strong. 

I never want to feel like the bond between us is wrong – That’s how it made me feel today 

I love to be there for you when ever you need me, it feel so good to have you as a part of my life. 

You put a smile on my face, even on the days I’m sick and tired of everyone else 

The minute I hear your voice on the phone, my day is okey. 

You make me laugh, when I put on a silly act to be serious

I can be such a hassle and I know it 

Thank you for always being there for me, I bet it’s not that easy 

You are a beautiful part of my life, and I’m so thankful for the part you play in mine. 

I love you and because I do

I would sooner then later have you tell me the truth, then adore you for telling me lies. 

My best buddy ever, that’s YOU 


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